The 8th Daegu Photo Biennale, Missing Agenda, Even Below 37,5
And yet and why, 2018, 2 digital photographs, 42 x 59,4 cm, Daegu Photo Biennale 10 septembre au 2 novembre 2021
What happens, 14 digital photographs 35 x 158 cm, Daegu Photo Biennale 10 septembre au 2 novembre 2021
50/50, Michel Journiac Gallery, Ecole des Arts de La Sorbonne, 29 septembre au 06 novembre 2021
Enfermement, Saint-Denis, Musée d’art et d’histoire Paul Éluard, 2019
Notes de brouillard, Auvers-sur-Oise, Galerie municipale d’Art contemporain, 2017
Design(s) noir(s) et promenade chromatique, Biennale du design,Hall de la Maison de la Recherche, Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès, 18 – 30 mars, 2017 (dépliant-catalogue)
Corps dessinant, 10 performances – 12 artistes, performance de Michel Sicard de 45 ‘, (catalogue, film sur Arte),Paris, Musée des Arts et métiers, les 3 et 4 décembre 2016
Cendres noires, Michel Sicard et Mojgan Moslehi, hommage à l’attentat de Nice, Villefranche-sur-Mer, 2016
Deajeon, south korea, Michel Sicard & Mojgan Moslehi : Things change, exhibition Deajeon Museum of art, 2016. 6.24 – 2016.9.18
Busan, south korea, Michel Sicard & Mojgan Moslehi : Mind/Time, exhibition Seokdang Museum of art, 2016.5.11 – 2016.5.21
– “Michel Sicard, Mojgan Moslehi – Light gravity,” December 23 2014 maintenance Michel Sicard, recorded in Vitry-sur-Seine H. Wittmann (29’23”)
– “Michel Sicard, Mojgan Moslehi – Artist Books” December 23 2014 maintenance Michel Sicard registered in Vitry-sur-Seine H. Wittmann (29 ’08”)
– “Michel Sicard, Mojgan Moslehi – Dark energy”, 23 December 2014 maintenance Michel Sicard registered in Vitry-sur-Seine H. Wittmann (36’28”)
– No way time, movie, Mojgan Moslehi and Michel Sicard, 2014 (25 min) Projection Paris, dining secular patronage Jules Vallès, December 9, 2014.
– Paris,« Entre-mondes », group show, 10 Chinese artists and 10 French artists, works and film by Michel Sicard and Mojgan Moslehi, secular patronage Jules Vallès, 2 to 19 December 2014.
– Movie Persepolis for ever , Michel Sicard and Mojgan Moslehi, with the collaboration for shots of Mehrangiz Moslehi, Tehran, November 2014.
– Production of three videos, Là, Soudain la lune and Silex étincelle , Tehran and Vitry-sur-Seine, with the collaboration for shots of Mehrangiz Moslehi, Tehran and Damavand, November 2014.
– Bernay, exhibition of Michel Sicard, Suite Elsinore, drawings, organized by the FRAC Haute-Normandie, Le Hameau College, May 2014.
– Montauban,« Chameleon vermilion », group exhibition Emancipation of birth, emancipation of death, oils on canvas, gallery of the Media, Biennale Passage (s) Design, Arts and Transmission, 27 March to 27 May 2014.
– Valenciennes,« Apprendre le corps », group exhibition, movie Non corps du temps (11 min), Mojgan Moslehi and Michel Sicard, University of Artois, ESPE website of Valenciennes, March 13-April 12, 2014.
– Le Havre, exhibition of Michel Sicard, Suite Elsinore, drawings, organized by the FRAC Haute-Normandie, Sainte-Adresse, January 14 to February 20, 2014.
– Parly,« Around Alechinsky », group exhibition, Graphic Art Center of Maitairie Bruyère, July 1 – September 30, 2013.
– Paris, « Infiltration », group show, Le Grand Pavois, 5 to 13 June 2013.
– Parly, « RLD Editions », group show, Graphic Art Center of Maitairie Bruyère, 13 April to 29 September 2013.
– Brusels, « Six Centuries of Art Book – From the incunabula to artist’s book », group exhibition, Museum of Letters and Manuscripts, 21 February to 26 May 2013.
– Beijing, « Espaces interstellaires », Michel Sicard and Mojgan Moslehi exhibition, Museum “Art Gallery of China National Academy of painting”, 2010
– Nanjing, exhibition « Michel Sicard » and « Mojgan Moslehi », National Museum of Art, 2008